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The Gravityz

penang Dec 01, 2019

After visiting lots of historical sites in Penang, why not take part in something different? Head over to The TOP KOMTAR - one of the most iconic landmarks that should not be missed while you’re in Penang! The TOP KOMTAR offers a one-stop destination for your friends and family members.

There are various built-in adventures ready for you to explore; one of them is The Gravityz - the world’s highest ropes course located at level 65. It’s a good stop if you’re looking for a different experience in Penang.

Visualize you’re standing on top of a tall tower 249 m above the ground and take part in the highest altitude challenge in ASEAN. Could it be an unforgettable experience for you? If you answer yes to this question, you’ve no reason to skip the chance to participate in the world’s highest ropes course - The Gravityz when you’re in Penang.

You're probably wondering, "What challenges can you experience at The Gravityz?" Follow me, and I'll bring you into each of every one of them.


After you're done with the preparation of a full-body safety harness; followed by the briefing session by the instructor, you're ready to go for the actual trail challenges. There is a total of six obstacle challenges ready to welcome you. Get ready and GO!


Confidence Path

Start your challenge by stepping onto the 1st obstacle challenge - Confidence Path. It's nothing more than walking through a pathway with your body facing outward. You may know from its name; it's to build up your confidence level and move to the next obstacle challenge.


High Bench

Once you’re ready, let’s move on to the 2nd obstacle challenge - High Bench. You're allowed to sit back and relax on top of a tall tower 249 m above the ground. Wow! Do you ever know that you can get lots of excellent view of Penang "postcard" photo while you're in this state? Now is your chance. No filter option is needed to shoot such an incredible shot. Of course, it'll be one of the unique ways to enjoy the panoramic view of Penang as well.


A Great Bridge

At this point, you've successfully conquered your inner fear and completed the first stage of the challenge. Now, you're ready to move on your step to the 3rd obstacle challenge - A Great Bridge. You're required to walk through a bridge that connects you to the next obstacle challenge. Stay focus and walk!



A big clap to yourself that you’ve completed half of the obstacle challenges. Z-Wire will be the 4th obstacle challenge after a great bridge. Move your step forward to experience the flying fox obstacle from one end to another. Try to get your hands off when you're "flying" to have the best experience.



Move further to the 5th obstacle challenge - X-point. At this point, you'll be instructed to stand at the edge and lay back. You'll feel greeted by a perfect view of Penang.



YES! You did it! You’re now at the final obstacle challenge - G-Rocky, and it's all about balancing yourself. Be brave! Lay down your body on the given platform and fully feel the heart of Penang.



Finish up your obstacle challenge by stepping up on the giving platform and feel the breeze on top of The TOP KOMTAR - a tall tower 249 m above the ground. Cheers!

Woohoo! You manage to conquer your greatest fear of height and complete all the entire obstacle challenges. All these happened when you take your first step out of your comfort zone! A big clap to yourself!

What are you waiting for? Take part in the world's highest ropes course - THE GRAVITYZ will lead you to an unforgettable memory that lasts in your lifetime. This is one of the unique experience that awaits you at Penang. Try it out yourself! Believe me; you’ll not regret it once you step in.

Penang - a destination that always provides lots of opportunities for you to explore. You’ll not have enough time to take in everything in a short trip. However, high up on your list should be The TOP KOMTAR. Click HERE to find out more about it before your trip to Penang!


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